Monday, December 31, 2007

Political Cartoons: Happy New Year

In NYC, they wait for the ball to drop...

New year nearly here!

...and in Iowa, some wait for a poll drop!

Friday, December 28, 2007

Political Cartoons: The Huckabee Hound Show

Mike Huckabee's foreign policy gaffe today may just stop his climb in the polls...

Huckabee Hound Show

Oh gorsh!

Political Cartoon: Beauty and the Beast

Benazir Bhutto was a brave and courageous leader who died for freedom, ....

Beauty and the Beast

...unlike some sleekit snakes who hide away in caves.

Bhutto's Legacy

The suicidal satanic atheist who assassinated Benazir Bhutto yesterday cursed his nation’s journey towards freedom and democracy. The evil beasts that he represents, for I would not call those callous cowards who kill women ‘men,’ are probably gloating in their secret hideouts of shame, indecency, and inhumanity. I call them satanic atheists because they worship wickedness and hate God. They slaughter leaders like Benazir because they are afraid of letting hope captivate the hearts of the people, and want to retain control through fear, insecurity, and murderous mayhem.

Despicable despots like Bin Laden and his satanic associates seek to enslave the free world with their warped ideals and heretical beliefs. Their allegiance is to an Allah that does not exist, and offends the very goodness of God amongst the Islamic people. They are atheistic scum, schooled in the ways of terror and torture, fanaticism and faithlessness. Life is neither sacred nor holy to them; freedom and democracy are devilishly denied by their cowardly acts of cruelty, violence, and assassination.

The world knows better than to give in to their filth and lack of faith. In Pakistan, there are many moderate Muslims who will serve their Allah truly and triumphantly. And throughout the world, there are billions of people who are disgusted, enraged, and mobilized to stand together for justice, freedom, faith, and democracy, which will one day encircle the earth and pave its way all over this planet.

The creed of satanic atheism which states that “when wickedness persists and no one resists, evil triumphs” is a hollow threat to noble humanity. Bullets and bombs may have killed Benazir Bhutto, but her spirit lives and will not die in the hearts of her people. Freedom will be resurrected amongst the ashes of these cowardly assassins. Liberty will not be lost to those who truly value life. The pages of history will proclaim the noble name of Bhutto in the highest halls of glory and honor. Her killers will become dust beneath the feet of her people as they march towards the freedom that will be their honorable choice and glorious destiny.

Prayer: Almighty God, who gave us both life and liberty, we bring before You the nation of Pakistan. We pray for Your mercy and grace to be extended over its people and we solemnly ask that You will protect them from the evil that seeks to destabilize the nation. Raise up just and courageous leaders who will guide the Pakistani people to the light of liberty. In Your Holy name, we pray. Amen.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Political Cartoons: "Tis the Season to Cross Over

Mike Huckabee's new Christmas Cross ad has caused a stir...

Crossing Over

...I wonder what the other campaigners will do?

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Political Cartoons: Paul's feast

Ron Paul raised a ton of money yesterday...

Paul's Feast

...must have been all of those emails. Kinda reminds me of Monty Python for some reason.

Why I Can't Vote for Mitt Romney

A Conservative Christian Republican outlines why he can't vote for Mitt Romney.

For the past two presidential elections, I’ve voted Republican. I’m fairly conservative with some of my values, although I do root for the underdog from time to time. In yesterday’s News-Sentinel, Mormon beliefs were clearly spelled out in an excellent article. After reading them, I now must declare that if Mitt Romney is chosen as the Republican nominee, I won’t be voting for him.

Some people say that this is un-American. Are we now declaring that voters must separate their religion from their votes? That would be un-American. In fact, it would be totalitarian. I consider myself to be an evangelical Trinitarian Christian. As such, I can’t divorce my faith from my vote. Therefore, I will not vote for Romney in the Presidential primaries or national election.

There are several key doctrinal issues that cause problems for me.

Firstly, Mormons are not Christians. They consider themselves to be, but the Christ they worship is entirely different from the Jesus we know in the Gospels. Christ ascended into heaven after His Resurrection. The Mormon Christ came over to America like a spiritual Christopher Columbus after His Ascension. This is not mentioned in the Gospels.

Secondly, Mormons believe in baptizing the dead, allowing people a second chance in eternity. This is not mainline Christian thought and is one of the things that sets the Mormons apart as a cult rather than as a Christian denomination.

Thirdly, they believe in a caste system and hierarchy in heaven with three tiers. The highest tier belongs to those who are truly Mormon and married. This is not Gospel teaching, for Christ Himself says that in heaven none are married. There is also no hierarchy in heaven, save that of the Trinity.

Finally, Mormons believe that God is married which invalidates Trinitarianism. This is the most serious doctrinal issue that separates Mormons from mainline Christianity. This is a false teaching and one that separates my vote from going to Mitt Romney. I am a staunch Trinitarian Christian believer. I could not vote for a person who does believe in the sanctity of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Mitt Romney may be a good man, but I would feel as though I was disloyal to Christ if I voted for him.

So, if the GOP decides to accept Romney as its presidential nominee, they will not have my vote. And possibly other Christians will feel the same.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Political Cartoons: United We Stand

John McCain & Joe Lieberman are getting very pally....

United We Stand

...are we going to see an Independent ticket in 2008???

Political Cartoons: Tough Love

President Bush announced that the Cognress had passed a relief bill for mortgage lenders and home owners who are in trouble...

Tough Love

...but who's going to bail out the Bond market holders that are losing thousands on this deal????

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Political cartoons: Christmas Invasion

The President may announce a new invasion plan on Monday....

Christmas Invasion

...against those who are destroying the American way of life.

Well, it would be consistent...

Friday, December 14, 2007

Political Cartoons: Stealing Christmas

President Bush vetoed the Children's health Bill again today...

Stealing Christmas

...even the Grinch wouldn't do that at Christmas.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Political Cartoons: Set in Stone????

Two months ago, Hillary Clinton was the Democrat front runner...

Set in Stone we're not so sure. Obama is chipping away her lead.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Political Cartoons: Obama Winfrey Show

Oprah is stumping for Obama in Iowa...

Obama Winfrey Show

Will it work or will she bomb???? Keep watching folks!

Friday, December 7, 2007

Political Cartoons: Tape Measures

President Bush said that he couldn't recall being told about the CIA torture tapes...

Tape Measures's this kind of thing that diminishes the people's trust in our leaders.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Political cartoon: The Trouble with Two-fers

Mitt Romney is trying to get us to forget about his faith...


...but who will come to our doors if he gets in?

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Political Cartoons: Monster Myths

From the Whitehouse, President Bush promises to veto any monstrous spending bill from Congress...

Monster myths he actually listening to himself?

Monday, December 3, 2007

Political cartoons: Time's Up, Fred

Fred Thompson is claiming that he should be the religious conservative's choice...

Time's Up, Fred

...and then he says that he doesn't go to church! Time to give up the ghost, Fred...